International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on June 21st and aims to highlight the benefits of yoga practice on human health and well-being. Yoga is a traditional practice that includes physical and breathing exercises as well as various forms of meditation. These practices have been shown to help manage stress, anxiety, and depression while also improving concentration, flexibility, and body endurance.
Yoga is not just about physical and breathing practices, but also includes two important steps towards the evolution of ourselves and, by extension, our society.
Yamas and Niyamas, which should never be forgotten, are the foundations of yoga practice and include a series of principles and ethics that practitioners should follow. The yamas refer to social and ethical principles, such as non-violence, honesty, completeness, self-control, and the ability to let go. On the other hand, the niyamas refer to personal principles and attitudes, such as the ability to accept ourselves, meditative practice, and commitment to a goal.
The significance of yamas and niyamas in practice is great as they help practitioners achieve self-awareness and awareness of their environment, as well as develop a balanced and healthy personality.
In the practice of yoga, the concept of community (sangha) is also crucial. Yoga teachers would be useful to unite their forces and cooperate with solidarity and mutual respect, rather than compete or fight against each other.
International Yoga Day is an opportunity to discover and enjoy the benefits of yoga practice on our health and well-being. Through our practice, we can improve our physical and mental state and achieve a more balanced and self-aware relationship with ourselves and our environment.
Beyond the health benefits, the practice highlights the importance of unity and solidarity within the yoga community and helps us develop a more united and peaceful society. It gives us the opportunity to develop an ethical and healthy way of life, as well as to strengthen respect and solidarity with our fellow human beings.
For this reason, International Yoga Day is a wonderful opportunity to incorporate yoga practice into our lives and develop a more sensitive relationship with ourselves and the world around us. Let us celebrate this day and renew our commitment to a more balanced and self-aware life!
Check our Weekly Schedule and start practicing with us now!
* Re-Treat Yoga Studio has been organizing Soul Yoga Event for 6 years, celebrating the Internation Yoga Day in Chania, Crete. This year, the event will not take place due to increased workload. On Wednesday, June 21st, a free Yoga Class will be held in Agii Apostoli Park at 7:30p.m. We invite you all old and new students to participate in this beautiful practice. We are committed to continuing our beloved event next year with many surprises. Stay tuned!

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